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MPTO Bylaws

Mahtomedi Elementary Schools PTO-ISD 832

Adopted and approved on May 10, 2023

The name of the organization shall be the Mahtomedi Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (hereinafter PTO).

The mission of the PTO is to:  
1) Facilitate communication among parents, and serve as a liaison between parents, teachers and school staff; 
2) Raise funds for programs and activities that benefit the Mahtomedi Elementary school community; 
3) Recruit volunteers for PTO sponsored activities and Mahtomedi Elementary school sponsored activities; and
4) Maintain a relationship with leadership organizations in ISD 832; working with these organizations on issues of common interest.

All parents and/or legal guardians of students who currently attend Mahtomedi Elementary Schools (whether in district or open enrolled) and all current faculty and staff are considered PTO members (hereinafter General Members).

a. Political Issues.  The PTO will not support particular candidates or specific ballot topics for election. The PTO may communicate with and educate parents on issues affecting them.
b. Educational Issues.  The PTO will not become involved in personal matters between parents, teachers and/or principals.  The PTO may discuss educational issues brought forth by members.
c. Allocation of Funds.  PTO shall use its funds towards items and or programs that benefit all or most students.  The Executive Board and/or General Members shall vote on any exceptions at Monthly or Special Meetings.  The PTO will not fund school staff positions due to liability issues and conflicts of interests.

a. Membership.  The Executive Board shall consist of six officers.  The officers shall be a President, President-Elect, Correspondence Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Past Officer.
b. Duties.  The Executive Board shall manage the affairs, funds, activities and operation of the organization.  It may create or dissolve standing or special committees, approve the plans and work of such committees, create or dissolve standing rules and policies, present reports and recommendations at Monthly Meetings, prepare and submit a budget to the membership for approval, and, in general, conduct the business and activities of the organization.  Specific duties for the Executive Board shall be defined in the operational Roles and Duties provisions attached. The Executive Board Officer Roles and Duties may be adjusted at any time as determined by the Executive Board.  No vote is required unless there are conflicting opinions, in which normal voting procedures apply.
a.  Monthly Meetings.The PTO Executive Board shall convene a minimum of six (6) monthly working sessions per school year. All PTO General Members are welcome to attend.
b. Special Meetings.  Upon five days notice, the President, or any two members of the Executive Board, or five General Members submitting a written request to the Executive Board may call a Special Meeting.  Notice to all PTO members (Executive Board and General) must immediately follow. 
c. Quorum.  Three Executive Board members present at a properly called Monthly Meeting or Special Meeting constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and are entitled to take action on behalf of the organization.
d. Voting.  All Executive Board and General Members present at Monthly Meetings or a Special Meeting have a right to vote on issues at hand. Unless otherwise noted, a majority vote is required to take action on behalf of the organization.  In the event of a tie, the President shall have the duty to break the tie.

a. Nominations.  Nominations for open officer positions must be made at the second to last Monthly Meeting of the school year, typically in April. If positions remain open after the second to last Monthly Meeting of the school year, nominations may be made at any Monthly or Special Meeting thereafter.
b. Elections.  Elections will be held at the last Monthly Meeting of the school year, typically in May.  All Executive Board and General PTO Members present at the meeting may participate in the election.  Voting shall be by voice vote.  Any contested election shall be by written ballot. A majority of the votes cast by members present shall determine the election.   
c. Eligibility.  Any General Member is eligible for office.  With the exception of the offices of President and President-Elect, a person may be elected to the same or other office for more than one term. 
d. Vacancies.  The Executive Board, for the remaining portion of any term, shall fill any vacancy in office due to death, resignation or inability to serve.  Should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, however, the President-Elect shall immediately assume that office.
e. Terms of Office.  Officers are elected for a one-year term beginning in July and ending the following June, with the exception of the past Treasurer who shall be elected for a two-year term and transition in July at the end of the fiscal year.  In the event of a vacancy for President-Elect, the Executive Board will appoint/elect a President. Terms may, but need not, be consecutive, with the exception that a person may not be elected as President more than two (2) terms.  If the President-Elect assumes the role of President before the previous term is completed, the remaining term period shall not count towards the two term limit.
f. Removal from Office.  Members may remove an officer from the Executive Board with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of those present at Monthly or Special meeting.

a. Budget.  At the second to last Monthly Meeting of the school year, typically April, the current Executive Board will present a proposed budget for the subsequent school year.  At the next Monthly Meeting membership shall either amend or approve the proposed budget. Once approved, the budget shall guide the activities of the Executive Board during the subsequent year.  Funded Requests may be submitted to the Board for supplemental funding, but must abide by Voting rules.  Voting rules also apply to any substantial deviation from the approved budget.  
b. Obligations.  The Executive Board may authorize any officer or chairperson to enter into contracts or agreements for the purchase of materials or services on behalf of the organization.  The PTO does not have the authority to enter into such agreements on behalf of Mahtomedi Elementary Schools.
c. Loans.  No loans will be made by the organization to its officers or members.
d. Transaction of Funds.  The Treasurer will deposit all funds of the organization in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Executive Board may select and shall make disbursements as authorized by the Executive Board in accordance with the budget approved by the Membership.  The Treasurer and President will sign tax returns, all checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money on behalf of the organization.  All deposits and/or disbursements will be made within 30 days from the receipt of the funds and/or orders of payment.
e. Financial Report.  The Treasurer shall present a financial report at Monthly Meetings of the organization and shall prepare a final Budget Report at the end of fiscal year, in July. The Executive Board reserves the right to have the report and the accounts biennially examined by an auditor or an informal audit committee, who, if satisfied that the report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report. 

a. Membership.  Committees may consist of General Members and/or Executive Board Members, with the President or President-Elect acting as an ex-officio member of all committees.
b. Standing Committees. The Executive Board will determine Standing Committees. One or two PTO members of a Standing Committee may serve as Chairperson(s) of the committee and shall be responsible for recruiting members for his or her committee. The Chairperson shall report the plans and activities of the committee to the President or Executive Board annually at a Monthly Meeting; which must approve all such reports. The Committee Chair is responsible for abiding by the budget parameters set forth in the annually approved PTO Budget as well as any policies and procedures approved by the Executive Board. Any public communication regarding committee activities and events, including e-news submissions and volunteer sign-ups, must be coordinated with the Executive Board.
c. Special Committees. The President and/or Executive Board may create Special Committees as needed.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings when they are not in conflict with the organization’s Bylaws.

Upon the organization’s dissolution, any remaining funds shall be distributed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 317A governing nonprofit corporations.

These Bylaws may be amended with thirty days notice of the proposed amendment(s) at any Monthly Meeting. A two-thirds vote of the Executive Board and General Members present and voting at the Monthly Meeting is required to amend.  

If any part of these Bylaws conflict with the decisions, policies or procedures adopted by the Mahtomedi School Board, they shall be deemed null and void and the decision of the Mahtomedi School Board shall, in all cases, take precedence.

Executive Board Officer Roles and Duties

President:  The President shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees to promote the organization’s objectives. The President will communicate on a regular basis with the principals and school staff. The President will help prepare the annual budget and taxes and co-sign checks/taxes with the Treasurer. The President will plan each Board, Monthly, and Special meeting, prepare the agendas, communicate/advertise with families/staff, and preside at all meetings. The President shall contact interested volunteers and keep record of possible new volunteers. The President will oversee the PTO website and delegate its maintenance. Officer shall attend as many Board, Monthly, and Special meetings as possible. Officer will perform other duties as assigned by the organization.
President-Elect:  The President-Elect will assist the President and, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President.  The President-Elect, after having served for one year, shall automatically become the President of the organization. Duties include assisting the President and learning committee functioning to make transitions easier. Monitor and maintain the current year’s Strategic Calendar. In the late spring, prepare the next year’s Strategic Calendar including: standing committees, staffing committee chairs, define committee’s strategic dates with co-chairs, and reserving facilities on behalf of the committee chairs. Officer shall attend as many Board, Monthly, and Special meetings as possible. Officer will perform other duties as assigned by the organization. 

Correspondence Secretary:  The Correspondence Secretary will take leadership of all newsletters/articles and e-news. Officer shall attend as many Board, Monthly, and Special meetings as possible. Officer will perform other duties as assigned by the organization.

Recording Secretary:  The Recording Secretary will record, share and offer approval for any and/or all meeting minutes including action items needed for each Officer. The Recording Secretary will provide any relevant documents needed to facilitate meetings including but limited to: minutes, Bylaws, and budget reports. Officer shall attend as many Board, Monthly, and Special meetings as possible. Officer will perform other duties as assigned by the organization.
Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approved Budget and/or an approved Funding Request from School Administration or staff. The Treasurer will present, research and communicate all details included in a Funding Request to the Executive Board as well as communicate decisions and/or questions to the inquiring party. The Treasurer shall present a written or verbal financial report at each Monthly Meeting and/or at other times as requested by the Executive Board. The Treasurer holds the Articles of Incorporation and all previous records of taxes, bank statements, and other pertinent business items. The Treasurer shall ensure that the organization complies with State and Federal nonprofit corporation filing requirements by preparing for, delivering and signing the prepared taxes in accordance with Federal and State guideline time frames.  Officer shall attend as many Board, Monthly, and Special meetings as possible. Officer will perform other duties as assigned by the organization.

Past Officer:  The Past Officer will provide history and guidance for all discussions and business transactions facilitated. Past Officer shall attend as many Board, Monthly, and Special meetings as possible. Officer will perform other duties as assigned by the organization.