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Funded Requests

Jump the MPTO Funding Request Form

Funded Requests are monies given beyond a line item on the MPTO operating budget. The purpose of the MPTO is, in part, to raise funds for programs and activities that benefit the Mahtomedi elementary school community. MPTO shall use its funds towards items and or programs that benefit all or most students. The executive board and/or general members shall vote on any exceptions.

How Does My Request Get Funded?

1. Fill out the MPTO Funding Request Form (below). All requests must have supporting details/quotes.  

2. The Principal and Building Leadership Team will review all requests at their subsequent monthly meeting. Within two weeks of such meeting, the Principal will present all requests to the MPTO for consideration at an upcoming monthly meeting. The MPTO Board will review each request to ensure that it complies with MPTO spending guidelines below and make a determination.

3. The District’s Technology Department must approve all technology acquisitions and upgrades. This includes, but is not limited to, computers, Smartboards, videoconferencing equipment, software and on-line educational programs.

3. All requestors will be notified within one week of the MPTO Board meeting date, via email, of the status of their request. Following approval, the purchase may be made. Please attach your vendor invoice or receipt to the MPTO Reimbursement Form and submit within 30 days.

4. All approved requests will be listed on the MPTO website for full disclosure of distribution of MPTO funds. The community wants to know how MPTO dollars are working for our children.

How Does the MPTO Determine Whether to Fund a Requested Item?

In order to ensure that MPTO funds are allocated thoughtfully, we require expenditures to fit within or further the MPTO’s stated purpose and organizational goals. To be considered appropriate for MPTO funding, a requested item or service must enhance a student’s educational experience.

1) MPTO views “education” as encompassing the students’ intellectual, emotional, social and physical development.  Purchases that further any of these areas will be considered appropriate for MPTO funding.

2) In general, MPTO seeks to impact as many Mahtomedi elementary students, families, and faculty as possible. As such, an individual purchase must directly or indirectly benefit a WW or OHA student group. MPTO recognizes that individual purchases may be intended for differently-sized groups.  Purchases may target the whole school or a smaller subset of students.

If you have any questions about your proposed purchase or the guidelines outlined above, please contact the MPTO President or Treasurer